Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Thinking About Leaving

Well I've been slacking on my posts lately. I'm thinking about stopping. I have a friend who is trying to get me on facebook, so I'm thinking about setting up an account there. I'm bad with this, so I know I'd never be able to keep up with both. The thing is I know NOTHING about Facebook. So, I was in Vegas last weekend for work. It was fine, nothing great. I did get to see a couple of friends for dinner, plus one had a 2 week old baby, so I was in heaven holding him. You forget how tiny and sweet they are, makes me want another one. Nothing really new to report on my end, we're going to Omaha this weekend. The weather has been off and on here, nothing stable. One day it's hot and the next rainyand the next cool and windy! Ready for it to be super hot so I can sweat a little! Gotta run! :)


Susy said...

please don't go. :) i'd miss you Amber and always wonder about you. We have been watching each other for a few years. make sure i have your correct email-K... :)

Anonymous said...

I love facebook!! If you go, feel free to add me.

Dawn + last name of famous singer Gwen! :)
