Friday, February 01, 2008

First of The Month Weight In

That's a total of 164.7lbs lost in 1 year 1 month and 20 days

Eating is still bad. Have to get my head on straight. Love belly dancing class though. It is quite a workout. Think I'm going to skip Jazzercise. The more and more I think about it, I enjoyed the one class I did, but I don't know if I'd go enought to justify spending that money every month. Wish my dad would hurry up and move out here then I could just work out with him in his home gym. Time will tell. Even if I'd just use the dumb ellipticle a few times a week. I want to get a trailer for my bike so this spring we can start bike riding. I have an awesome super nice bike that I've been on like three times and have had it for like 5 years. Sad. Anyways, off to open play at a gym class for Athena.

1 comment:

Susy said...

Amazing 160+ pounds, size 6 jeans. WOW Keep doing what you love to do for exersise and that will help with following through and doing it. The belly dancing sounds fun for you. You look great you "tiny" woman you! I understand the need to keep "food" under control so we don't fall back into bad habits. We may never weight 300 pounds again but gaining weight back scares the hell out of me... so looking at what we eat is FOREVER. One day at a time! Have a great Sunday Amber. Susy